Monday, April 20, 2009

The 3 Cs

This is an extract from an article I read recently.

Life, essentially consists of the 3Cs. Create, Consume and Connect. The elaboration is intuitive enough for one to join the dots and create a story around these three words. It is very aptly said that a compromise on either of these aspects leads to a stagnation of growth. Lets analyze how.

- If you continue to only Create and do not Consume and Connect, then you become outdated. Your throughput/output does not provide any benefit to society. You cease to remain a participant in any form of partnership/barter programs and thus your progress is severely hindered.

- If you continue to only Consume and fail to Create and Connect, then there is evidently no input coming in from your end to contribute to your progress. You essentially lead the life of a parasite, wherein a critical factor leading to your success is your dependency on externalities. In the absence of such external factors, your success ceases to exist.

- If you do Connect, but neither Create nor Consume, then you do not add a penny worth of value to people around you. You are isolated and thus rendered incapacitated to progress any further in your life.

Simple but profound.


Pagan Winter said...

People keep coming up with shit like this all the time... Think hard and see how profound this really is...

Nikhil said...

Come on! I found it to be rather pertinent.